*groan* so many rules! WTF??!??! ;)
Rule 1:
Have fun, this is as much your community as it is ours. If you feel something needs to be added to make the group more enjoyable, message one of your group admins; Allen Payne, Jared Harris, Ryan Rhoades, James Palmer, Matty G. Harris & Anthony Wibberg
Rule 2:
Meme wars are acceptable after adequate information has been given/obtained in the comments.
Rule 3:
On the Daily post, such as Mustache Monday, Terrible Tuesday, Wheel Wednesday, Throwback Thursday, ETC, please post in the comments of the first person to post for that day. This will ensure that legitimate questions or posts don't get lost in the sea of daily pictures.
Rule 4:
Vendors are welcome to post here, please do not SPAM or PUSH your products. If they are good, people will push them for you... We, however, do not mind you defending your products from being bashed. We also love to hear about new products and its perfectly fine to post new products. This community would not grow without vendors actively making and producing products for this community. We just don't want this group to turn into a SPAMSOIL fiasco, which I'm sure you all have seen in other groups.
Rule 5:
Site Owners or other Group/Page owners are welcome on our page. Please DO NOT push your page or spam your page on ours. We have active and good members and we want to keep them here, and not have them spread out for obvious reasons. Thats why we are an active group. We have no issues with sharing a post with another page on our page. One.4 Movement is a prime example. I share their posts to our page, sometimes, when I feel it promotes info that our community needs. There is no issue with that.
Exception to Rule 5 LIMITED, (will get revoke if it gets out of hand or if we start to have complaints) - Location based group/pages that are open to anyone, and simply being posted as a means of gather location based people will be allowed.
Rule 6:
Be supportive to the other members. Positive reinforcement. Basically Speak your mind, but do it with respect. if you don't like something or a mod someone post, speak your mind about it but think about how you would want to be treated in that same situation. If it's Jared Harris, by all means do what you want ;) j/k.
Rule 7: This page is for enthusiasts. If you can't/won't be enthusiastic toward this and similar platforms, take your BS somewhere else. The ban hammer has just gotten a fresh polish, and will be wielded with extreme prejudice if you dbag up the place. This doesn't mean we can't give each other a hard time in good fun. Thanks in advance for your civility.
Note Rule 6 & 7: DO NOT bash other facebook groups, forums, pages, etc... If you have a issue with them, please talk to their respective admins, Thank You.
Note Rule 6 & 7: DO NOT bash other facebook groups, forums, pages, etc... If you have a issue with them, please talk to their respective admins, Thank You.
Rule 8: Keep NON-PLATFORM posts off the page. This is a page for platform enthusiasts pushing the platform. We are all car guys here, and can appreciate the occasional car related meme or cool automotive feat. But, Most of us are also apart of those pages and have already seen those post. Admins will remove posts that fit this rule at our discretion. KEEP ALL OFF TOPIC / NON-PLATFORM POST in the Off Topic Garge: https://www.facebook.com/notes/gamma-ii-ɣ²-chevy-sonic-enthusiasts/off-topic-garage/1556837961242042
Rule 9: Even if your friends don't own a Gamma II vehicle, but are still interested in the platform, they are invited. This is an enthusiasts page. We will NOT tolerate bringing friends along that will do nothing but trash talk or troll the platform.
Rule 10: Leave the butthurt at the door. If you can't take a little friendly teasing, this isn't the place for you. Just ask Jared or Zack.
Rule 11: Start a Discussion / Free For Sale Post... This is starting to get out of hand, please use these post as they are intended... DO NOT make Free for sale post, unless you are actually giving something away for free. Admins will Delete these post with or without notice.
Note: Typically there is a button with (...) on it click that and click write post, or start a discussion will get you to a normal post.
Rule 12: Bringing Potential New Products to Market, DO NOT make a post gaining interest on a product that does NOT show pictures of what your attempting to bring to market, Also DO NOT make a post without a general / estimated cost / worst case scenario pricing. By NOT doing this all your doing is causing chaos, people will comment a million times asking pricing, asking for pictures, save yourself the trouble and give all the info upfront. This is NOT for Vendors that are merely posting pictures to show products or parts of products to gain excitement... as those vendors are going to bring it to market or they wouldn't be showing it.
Rule 11: Start a Discussion / Free For Sale Post... This is starting to get out of hand, please use these post as they are intended... DO NOT make Free for sale post, unless you are actually giving something away for free. Admins will Delete these post with or without notice.
Note: Typically there is a button with (...) on it click that and click write post, or start a discussion will get you to a normal post.
Rule 12: Bringing Potential New Products to Market, DO NOT make a post gaining interest on a product that does NOT show pictures of what your attempting to bring to market, Also DO NOT make a post without a general / estimated cost / worst case scenario pricing. By NOT doing this all your doing is causing chaos, people will comment a million times asking pricing, asking for pictures, save yourself the trouble and give all the info upfront. This is NOT for Vendors that are merely posting pictures to show products or parts of products to gain excitement... as those vendors are going to bring it to market or they wouldn't be showing it.
Rule ?: To be determined when the next JACKASS does something stupid that causes us to add another rule... :( I HATE RULES, and Allen hates jackasses...